Meet the team

At Uxtremely, we’re a small but dedicated team working together to bring creativity and growth to each project.

Alis Chetreanu

Design Strategist

Alis has over a decade of experience as a designer. She works with everything from graphic design, digital design and facilitation. 

Advertising (BA)

Management and Public Administration (BA and MA)

UX Design (Upskill)

Leadership in Sustainability Change (Upskill)


Junior Graphic Designer

Hello! My name is Samira Häusermann, I am currently 21 years old and completed my training as a graphic designer EFZ with a vocational baccalaureate in July 2023 at the Fachklasse Grafik in Lucerne.

Vocational baccalaureate in July 2023 at the Fachklasse Grafik in Lucerne.

Behind the scenes:
